(原标题:Shandong Hi-Speed Holdings Group Limited增持山高新能源(01250)约3.04万股 每股作价1.78港元)
智通财经APP获悉,香港联交所最新资料显示,11月13日,Shandong Hi-Speed Holdings Group
补充资料:On 13 November 2024, Shandong Hi-Speed Holdings Group Limited ("SDHG") entered into a sale and purchase agreement with CTSL Green Power Investment Limited and CTSL New Energy Investment Ltd (collectively, the "Vendors"), pursuant to which SDHG conditionally agrees to acquire from the Vendors and the Vendors conditionally agree to sell to SDHG 303,797,468 shares of the listed corporation (the "Acquisition"). As at the date of this form, the Acquisition has not been completed.